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2006 > Finding True North: A Youth Cancer Program – 2006


Finding True North: A Youth Cancer Program — 2006

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Student Bios

Michael Banville

My name is Michael and I am 15 years old. I really enjoy sailing (of course), playing sports, playing video games, snowboarding, and hanging out with my friends. The best video game that my friends and I all enjoy would have to be Guitar Hero 1 or 2, which we play every day. I love to play sports alone or with a couple of my friends. These sports include soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis, which are just a few of my favorites. I am also a Boy Scout currently working on my Eagle project to help out the Jimmy Fund Clinic by building LEGO tables. The one thing I would like to become is someone that other cancer patients and people can look up to as someone who has already beaten their cancer. I also hope that this project will reach out and teach people important lessons of life, whether it is shows people the good times of life, how others coped through their bad times of life, or it shows someone a positive outlook on their own life, I hope that anyone and everyone will learn something from this project.

Michael Brandman

"I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow, I learn by going where I have to go". These lines by Theodore Roethke define the basic paradigm by which I live my life. I'm on the threshold of college and have a lot to look forward to in life. For me, cancer has not been as much of a burden as a, dare I say, positive experience. The only limitations I feel from it are the ones other people impose on me. I try to stay modest, yet confident; self assured, but not pretentious.

Rob Burke

My name is Rob Burke, and I am an eighteen year old, two time brain tumor survivor. I was first diagnosed when I was twelve, and after surgery and a round of chemotherapy, I was in remission until last year. My tumor has resulted in many special experiences, with some of the best people I could ever hope to meet. The three sailing trips I have been a part of through the Maritime Challenge Foundation top that list. I have learned so much about myself through these trips. When I was on treatment, I would have never thought I could have the strength and ability to work as part of a dedicated ship to maneuver a massive ship. However, as I found out, I am very capable of doing just that. My sailing experiences have also come into play since my relapse, just recently. As a result of being aboard the Harvey Gamage, I have acquired a great deal of patience, and determination, among other things that have been valuable to me. When things have been rough, I have always been able to persevere and get through them. Sailing has helped me grow and mature a lot.

Patrick Cooney

My name's Patrick and I'm 15 years old. I play soccer, and I like playing pool, video games, and listening to music (mostly rock). Through the video, I hope to give anyone with a life threatening disease hope of complete recovery and a normal life afterwards. And remember that laughter is the BEST medicine!!!

Jonah Faigel

My name is Jonah an 18 year old who enjoys magic and balloon twisting. Jonah is a ten-year cancer survivor who spends time raising money for cancer research and volunteering for the Jimmy Fund/DFCI, American Cancer Society-Relay for Life and Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Jonah would like people to come away with a better understanding of their out look on life after watching his clip. Jonah is excited to share his clip and hopes that it is enjoyed.

Kelly Foy

My name is Kelly Foy and I'm a junior in high school. I have been dancing for 14 years and I also play volleyball and softball. I am a member of the student government at my high school and I scorekeep and do statistics for the women's basketball team. With the film that I made, I hope to reach kids that are going through and/or have survived an experience with cancer. I want to let them know that they are not alone and that they will make it. I also want to let them know to stay strong and to keep smiling. Remember the glass is always half full, every cloud has a silver lining, and any other cliches that apply here! :-)

Hannah GloIver

My name is Hannah and I am 16 years old. I was born in New Hampshire and am a completely normal kid except that four years ago I was diagnosed and treated for Leukemia. I swim and play soccer for my school and for the past three summers I have sailed on the Harvey Gamage with various programs. This past summer I made a documentary of the trip. I would like to have this documentary shown to children who have just been diagnosed or are being treated because I want to give them hope. My purpose in making the video was to show that life goes on. When something traumatic happens it feels like life will never be normal again, but I wanted to get the message out that time passes and scars heal. I’m able do anything I want and most people I know don’t even know that I had cancer. It’s all in the past now.

Sarah Jimenez


Paige Kalika


Jordan Mann


Devon Marcinko

Hello, My name is Devon Marcinko, I am 17 years old, play football, and am on my High School track team. I LOVE to sail on the ocean (mainly in Leukemia Cup regattas) and have a deep passion for giving happiness, and laughter to kids just like you. As you probably already know, I am a cancer survivor. I was three years old at the time; and during the Holiday season, like most families, we all went to my cousin’s house. Just before dinner I decided it would be a good idea to have a little wrestling match with my cousin on his couch. Long story short, I fell off the couch, and blacked out. I woke up in the emergency room some time later, to find my parents praying beside my bed; I acknowledged them like nothing happened. Little did I know, I would be spending a good 2 ½ years in that bed. Along with that, I would be eating hospital food, undergoing spinal taps, and going through countless blood tests like some of you are going through now. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. At the age of ten, I was considered clinically cured. I have been freed from cancer for about seven years, and I’ve been having the time of my life. Every summer I’ve been going on a ship named the Harvey Gamage. There, a bunch of teenagers all get together and sail for a week. We learn boat handling and maneuvering, we go to different ports on the east coast, and we also learn something about ourselves. You see, all of the teenagers on this ship are Cancer survivors, and we all have a story to tell. This past summer we were met up with an organization named Bare Foot Workshops, they specialize in making and filming documentaries. We were all given the chance to make our own little documentary telling our stories, and shearing memories with kids just like you. I think it is a really good idea, and I encourage you (the patient) to start a journal about your time in the Hospital. It not only allows you to reflect on what happened, but it also allows you to shear your experiences in the Hospital to friends and family WHEN YOU GET OUT!!! It is very important for you to know that you WILL GET OUT of the Hospital if you just keep fighting. It is a really good idea to visualize your self out and playing hoops with your buddies, or playing house with your babies at slumber parties. It not only tells your bodies that it needs to get rid of cancer, but it also gives you something to look forward to after all your treatments are over. I really enjoyed shearing my experience with you. If you have any questions ABOUT ANYTHING feel free to drop me an e-mail, I would LOVE to talk.

Earle Marshall


Ellen O'Brien

My name is Ellen O'Brien and I am 18 years old. I have many interests which include writing, listening to books on tape, fencing, filming and of course sailing. Hanging out with my friends is pretty high up on that list as well. I am a senior in high school this year and I hope to go to college and study Art Therapy next year. I really hope to incorporate my writing and filming into this field as well. When asked the question who am trying to reach through my documentary my answer is this all those willing to listen and breaking the deafness of those who aren't. Life is like a battle so pick up your sword and and plunge into the fight knowing that you will come out on top in the end.

Matt Otwell




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